What Are the Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy?
First of all, we should be award what is Bell's palsy; It is a non-progressive neurological disorder of one of the facial nerves. This...
Avoid the bulge this christmas season
Eat with a small group when you can. One study found that dining with six or more people can cause you to eat 76 percent more, most...
Too young for a stroke right?
A stroke is most of the time considered to be an older person's disease, but an estimated 10% of stroke patients are younger than 50....
Neuropathy caused by High Blood Sugar
Nerve damage or diabetic neuropathy resulting from chronically high blood glucose can be one of the most frustrating and debilitating...
Experiencing motion sickness?
Motion Sickness can strike suddenly, progressing from a feeling of uneasiness to a cold sweat, dizziness and then vomiting. It usually...
Myelin Sheath : Nerve Protectors?
Myelin Sheath is a wrapping of myelin around certain nerve axons, serving as an electrical insulator that speeds nerve impulses to...
What Is Neuralgia?
Neuralgia is a stabbing, burning, and often quite severe pain that occurs along a damaged nerve. The damaged nerve may be anywhere in the...
You may be suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy, a result of damage to your peripheral nerves, often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in your hands and...
Simple Home Remedy for Neck Pain
Begin daily gentle stretching, including neck rolls and shoulder rolls, once the worst of your pain has subsided. Gently tilt, bend and...
Neck Pain anyone?
Neck pain is a common complaint. Neck muscles can be strained from poor posture — whether it's leaning over your computer or hunching...