A Silent Threat: Understanding Brain Aneurysms by Dr Winnie Lim Khoo
A brain aneurysm, also known as a cerebral aneurysm, is a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain caused by a weakness in the...
Brain, Spine, and Nerve Specialists: The Key to Neurological Health
A brain, spine, and nerve specialist, known as a neurologist, is a doctor who focuses on diagnosing and treating problems related to the...
Vertigo: Finding Balance in a Spinning World by Dr Winnie Lim Khoo
If you're experiencing vertigo, there are several tips that can help manage symptoms and reduce episodes. First, it's essential to stay...
Say Goodbye to Migraines: Injection Treatments Now in the Philippines
Migraine injection treatment involves the use of various injectable medications to help reduce the frequency and severity of migraine...
The World Is Spinning: A Vertigo Journey by Dr Winnie Lim khoo
Vertigo is a prevalent condition that causes a spinning or dizzy sensation, making individuals feel as though they or their surroundings...
Why Do Kids Get Headaches?
Headaches are common in kids and can happen for various reasons. The most frequent type is a tension headache, which usually feels like a...
Targeting Migraine Pain: The Benefits of GON Block Injections
The goal of a GON block is to interrupt the pain signals transmitted by the greater occipital nerve, thereby providing relief from...
Understanding Severe Headaches: What You Need to Know
Severe headache pain can be debilitating and is often indicative of underlying conditions that require attention. Common types of severe...
Inherited Headaches: It Runs in the Family!
Migraines often run in families, indicating a hereditary component that significantly influences their development. Research shows that...